by MK O'Rourke
Fall break usually means friends wanting to see you, extracurricular
activities and clubs hosting events, . . . don’t forget your family obligations . . . oh you also have work . . . and you
need to eat healthy and exercise . . .
Am I missing something? Hm . . . oh yeah,
Studying for midterms can be more challenging than most times because
you know it is the half way mark of your semester. Your mind is thinking
about a thousand different things, so it's hard to maintain great studying
techniques to keep you focused on working as hard as you have up until this point of the semester.
The advice a lot of people hear is, “You should study 3
hours for every credit you have” and it's hard to disagree. But I get it: you’re tired, you’re
hungry, and all you want to do is watch Netflix and eat ice cream. But, push
yourself. It will be worth it in the end.
· Keep energy levels high. You need
to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night to be able to do well on an exam.
· The 50-10 rule. Every 50 minutes that you study, take ten minutes
to clear your mind, go on Facebook, kiss your dog, anything.
· Write your notes by… dare I say… HAND. Writing your notes by hand, compared to typing on your
computer or tablet, will help you learn your material in a more quality way.
· Buy a pricier/nice notebook and pens. By doing this, you will want
to keep your notebook organized and neat because you spent your money on a
nicer notebook.
· DO NOT take notes by writing word for word. To do well on an exam,
you need to able to explain a concept to someone as if they know nothing about
your topic. If you take notes in a way you understand, than you’ll have a much
better chance of fully grasping your topic rather than memorizing it.
· Read through your notes pretending you are the professor writing exam
questions. Even if the
professor doesn’t ask the exact question, the question that you asked yourself
might help you remember the topic.
· RELAX. Being tense and high strung is the worst thing for you. If
you go to class regularly, take quality notes, engage in class, and review the
material as much as you can, there is nothing else you can worry about.
So friends, it’s okay to feel overwhelmed,
but if you follow these steps and create unique ones of your own, you’ll do
great! Study hard, enjoy school, and do not stress. Before a test to destress,
imagine skipping through the park with your celebrity crush . . . you’ll feel invincible.
Should I kiss my dog for the full 10 minutes?