Apply to Psi Chi

Why should I join Psi Chi?

Joining Psi Chi is a great way to meet other students who are interested in psychology. Psi Chi provides members with unique opportunities to network, attend conferences, and give back to the community. Monmouth’s chapter of Psi Chi also runs a blog that lets readers know about interesting and up to date research that can be useful in everyday life.

How can I join?

To qualify for membership, you must have completed at least 9 credits in psychology at Monmouth University, have an overall GPA and a Psychology GPA of at least 3.45.  This GPA represents the top 35% of Monmouth students, as required by Psi Chi International.

To apply for consideration, you should do the following:

1.   Go to (or Apply for Membership on homepage, bottom right)

2.   Select APPLY NOW

3.   Choose Monmouth University from the Local Chapter drop-down menu and fill out the application including your name, school email address, and your student ID No.

4.   At the bottom of the page, check the box authorizing me, the faculty advisor, to review your college records to determine eligibility

5.   Add your Name/Signature and select SUBMIT

6.   Next, drop off a check in the Psychology Department between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. for $65, made out to Monmouth University.  Please put it into envelope with Dr. Strohmetz’s name on the front.  This is a lifetime membership fee.  Checks will not be deposited until one’s membership application has been approved. 

7.   After you have submitted your online application and submitted check, Dr. Strohmetz will review your application and determine your eligibility. He will notify you of his decision.

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